Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ten Worst Jobs In Science

Popular Science's "10 Worst Jobs in Science", this year, (in the July Issue), Included ...

the divers who scrub the walls of pits of sewage, toxins and nuclear waste;

the elephant vasectomist (wielding a 4-foot-long laparoscope to deal with the 12-inch-wide testicles);

carcass-preparers who ship cat, frog,shark and even cockroach bodies to be studied in Science classes;

the whale researcher who was "surprised' at "how much you can learn about a whale from its feces.";

and the volunteers who lie still for up to 21 days to study the effects of weightlessness (for $2,000 a week).

I don't want to even remember these five much less the remaining five ... there are some "jobs" even a Scientist won't do!

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