Monday, July 2, 2007

What is this world coming to?

What is this world coming to?

The relatively recent creation of almost-obscene wealth among the 'noveau riche' had precipitated a crisis in Britain and New York City because the resulting demand for professional butlers far exceeds the current supply.
Longstanding butler schools in both countries are running at capacity, turning out debonair, refined manservants at salaries that may exceed $100,000 (plus in the U.S., and extra $20,000 or so for one that who speaks "British"), but fortunes are being created at an even faster pace, so that, increasingly, multi-millionaires are just having to do without one, according to recent reports in the Wall Street Journal and The Independent of London.

I mean, what is this world coming to when you can't get a good butler when you want one?!?!

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