Sunday, August 26, 2007

Easy like Sunday morning ...

This morning has been a lazy, warm morning with the birds even remaining quiet as if to not spoil the serenity. I like mornings like this ... even if it is morning.

Up and out feeding the animals at 6am (Yea, I know I slept in this morning) as the sun was fully dawning was a blast, even the cows were in a good mood - the chickens were a wee bit testy at first but they warmed up to the idea of the day quickly when I began to throw feed in the yard for them.

Seamus, Angus and I just finished our dip in the river and came on back to the house whereupon they took off for the lake and more water fun. For those that don't know Seamus and Angus are my Labrador Retrievers. At the moment I have Mac Duff (Alistair), bouncing around the room like a pinball wanting to get in my lap - Mac Duff is the Mrs., Jack Russell, by the way.

Living nude on the farm is what life is all about, hell living nude is all it is about ... lower laundry bills is a big thing you know.
Seriously though, living nude is a more calm and peaceful way of life with much less stress and much better health and with my neighbors also living their lives nude it makes for a close and friendly neighborhood (granted our 'neighborhood' is much larger than most as it is rural farming country next to a big city).

We had one harridan in the neighborhood for a while but she one day out of the blue showed up at our back door nude and has been that way ever since - and this was a women so prudish and spiteful she tried to forced a local ordinance through to require pets to wear clothes a year before her 'revelation'.
Also, with her epiphany came Seamus' liking of her. Prior to that she was the only person he has ever had a dislike for, even to the point of trying to bite her a new asshole on several occasions. Now they are the best of friends.

If only the heat would not rise today ...

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