Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Greek Fire

Having been extremely busy over the past few days I haven't caught all the news but the snippets I have heard about the fire raging in Greece haven't been pretty.

First, I heard it had burned through Olympia, site of the original Olympic games ... which is a tragedy in and of itself from a historic and cultural perspective.

Second, I heard it was burning "over literally half that country" ... which is a horrible tragedy for the people of Greece and their lives and their livelihood.

Third, I heard that the fire was deliberately set ... which is so heinous that the one(s) guilty of doing so should be publicly beaten with a cat-o-nine because a: it would be severely painful, and b: they could never be made to make full restitution.
Sorry, but firebugs are firmly planted as one of the top social malcontents on my shit list.

Fourth, I heard that the fire was so massive it can be seen from space ... an achievement that should be of note but here is just another facet of the tragedy.

It is as if this Greek Tragedy has reached into the sublimely nebulous etherworld to become a Greek Comedy.

Forgive me but the pun was so open and as they say if there is an opening go for it, besides you have to laugh to keep from crying.

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