Saturday, September 15, 2007

Busted at the Mail Box

Just got back to the house from checking the mail (I forgot to yesterday, O.K.) and while I was there I was almost hit by a car.
While this is nothing unusual - the traffic (on the only straight part of the road in the entire county ... which runs right across my front lawn) is horrendous and everyone thinks the half mile stretch is a drag strip.
What made this one notable was the fact it was a car full of Hispanics fleeing the police and for some reason they decided to swerve off the road right beside my mailbox and jump out of the car and begin to start to "clean it out" before the police arrived with the help of a pick-up truck load of Hispanics stopping to help them - which also just missed hitting me. Then came the police.
They were not too successful at "cleaning out the car" before the police's arrival - besides I had seen what they were trying to hide so it was futile on their party anyway.
Why they thought the police would not search the truck is beyond me, but all the 'bales' they threw into the open bed of the truck were in plain sight.
As I began to walk the mile back up to the house I left 10 Hispanics in handcuffs squatting on the side of the road and at least 50lbs of Marijuana (I counted twenty or so Kilo 'bales' as they were tossing them into the truck bed) in the capable hands of the local police.
They will be by later to get my statement as to what I saw. You know I might just get that truck at the impound yard as it was seized along with the car for being used in drug trafficking.

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