Monday, September 24, 2007

For Six Bucks

Getting a $3,000.00 dress for the Mrs., for $6.00. Yep, that's right only $6.00. How you ask?

By having friends who make clothing and being cheap and finding material for a dollar a yard ... and no cheap stuff either, normally it was $125.00 a yard. With the labor and jewels sewn into it it would be a multiple thousand dollar dress.

O.K., so it is a dress for the RenFaire and as such it won't be worn out to the Governor's Fall Ball but it is an Aresaide so it will be worn to the Highland games after the Faire.

I just love the fact that it will make a couple of 'ladies' (and I use the term loosely), extremely jealous - they need to be taken down quite a few pegs anyway.

With her new dress the Mrs., and I with my new Doublet and boots will make a splash - as long as the breeze doesn't pick up and lift my kilt before I can catch it ... that would make an even bigger splash!

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