Monday, September 24, 2007

Haywood County Claims Eleven More?

Eight Boy Scouts and three of their leaders are missing after a weekend camping trip into the mountains of Haywood county, NC.

Could Haywood county have claimed eleven more in a series of - a centuries long series - disappearances in the deep forests and steep ravines of that wilderness mountain region?

The area is very popular with campers, hikers and the like, and is a wonderful place to go and see the natural world at its most natural - as the saying goes 'there are places there that no white man has ever seen' ... even to this day in Haywood county.

Most people go and have a wonderful time there, even in the 'wilder' areas, but very few people today have the skills to survive completely in the wilds and if they get lost deep in the glens and glades or misstep and fall into a deep gorge in the area, it all but impossible to be found ... except by foot as the rescuers literally 'luck up and stumble up on to you' otherwise they join the list of the permanently disappeared.

Let's hope the rescuers are lucky and find these eleven missing people. Preferably alive.

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