Thursday, September 13, 2007

"J" takes after papa.

My grandson "J" called me tonight to let me know his football team played a piss poor game but still won 15-14. He is a chip off the old block, he isn't satisfied with a less than perfect game.

He switched from middle linebacker to wide receiver this season which makes him a deadly threat to opposing defenses - he plays like a middle linebacker as a wide receiver ... with total abandon ... what's more he catches anything within ten feet of him and he is faster than greased lightning in a can.

I was somewhat let down when said he wanted to switch because he had originally wanted to play the same position his papa played, that's why he played the middle linebacker position, but when I saw him still playing 'linebacker-like', I knew he was just like his papa - I should have known he'd switch to one he liked because he is a striker for the soccer team while I was a goalie and he has always said he wanted to be like me when he grew up .... and I'll be damned if he isn't.

Of course he was a tad undersized for linebacker he is only 13 and 5'4' @ 90lbs (at his age I was 6' and 190lbs) but he plays like he was a 6'3" 295lbs bruiser and with his speed, quickness when he is a 6'3" bruiser look out.

Now if his quarterback can learn to throw better and deeper ...

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