Thursday, September 6, 2007

Microwavers Beware!

Microwavers beware! That hot buttery popcorn you are popping could be giving you lung cancer!

A rare form of lung cancer has been linked to the artificial butter and the microwaving process and prolonged exposure leads to contracting the disease.

While this is news and worthy of notice I would like us to admit to ourselves once and for all that "everything" causes cancer ... it is just a matter of 'how much' of whatever it is to make it cause cancer that should be the concern; for example, pure clean water can cause cancer as cancer is naught save an abnormal growth of a cell, however the amount of pure clean water it would take to cause cancer would never be reached by any human - for they would literally explode from the amount of pure clean water taken in and retained by the body long before the level of 'cancer causing' amounts was near.
The 'scare' tactic of such announcements for sale a product, boycott a product, etc., is what is going on with these 'announcements' ... and it works too!.

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