Monday, September 10, 2007

Mystery Solved?

The mystery of how and why the Mrs., had such a massive infection in such a short period of time has been solved ... we think.
Thirty years ago she worked in the trauma unit of a hospital and contracted a pervasive Mercer Staph infection then and was treated and "cured" or so we thought.

But over the last thirty years she has had one infection after the other and this coupled with the recent massive infection leads the doctors and myself to conclude that not all of the Mercer Staph infection of thirty years ago was eradicated from her body and has lain hidden causing the havoc until her blood thinners worked too well and thinned her blood to the point they poured forth and wham.

Now they think the fact that her blood was too thick for all these years is what has kept the Mercer Staph in check, her dying and returning from Pulmonary embolisms due to the thick blood is not the way I would have wanted to find out about the staph but it was just that back in the early spring that got her on the blood thinners in the first place.

She had trouble even with the thinners to get her blood to normal but as soon as she got it to 3.6 which is .6 too thin the massive infection took over in less than 12 hours from the time she found out the results of her weekly finger prick on Friday morning August 31st of this year.

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