Friday, September 21, 2007

Officer given his comeuppance

James Kuehnlein the police officer who was video taped berating and harassing a motorist parked in a commuter parking lot has been handed his comeuppance.

He has been fired!

He was fired for his language which is quite clear on the video and for his failure to video tape the incident with the video tape recorder in his police car - something that is required.

The days of the police being able to behave as Kuehnlein did and get away with it are over, just as the cameras in their cars are there to record what they did so that any claims against them could be verified (which is why it is common practice for the police to not turn them on - no record, no proof; with the availability of cameras in the public's hands they have lost that little trick), there are cameras in the public's cars as well.

It should not take the 'threat' of a video recording of any action to make anyone do what is right, but such is the times we live in. Like the old Chinese curse says "May you live in interesting times", and boy these are interesting times indeed.

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