Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Daily Word

Today's Daily Word is:

Sphygmus: (sfig' - mas) n (Medical) ... the pulse.

Be sure to follow the Daily Word for more words that you may not have heard of or know the meaning.

Here's an offer for you!

The Mrs., got an offer for a Gold MasterCard from Bank of Delaware in the mail today.

All she has to do is pay $89.00 "start-up fee" along with a $25.00 "application fee" and a $10.00 "administration fee" for which they will send her in return a Gold MasterCard with an incredible beginning credit limit of $75.00.

Let's see ... pay an out of state bank $124.00 and they will extend you "credit" in the amount of $75.00 ... sounds like a no brainer to me ... where does she sign up?!

(What is really sad, is that some people actually go for such a "deal")

Need a clue?

The current Miss South Carolina 'competing' in the Miss Teen USA Pageant is the poster child as to why our schools are so poor.

Have you heard this airhead's reason most American high school students can't find the United States on a world map?

She somehow goes from America to Iraq and then off into space as she rambles on saying the reason they can't find the nation they live in is that there aren't enough maps. Say what ... the lack of the proper number of maps is the reason students can't find the country and we need to educate students so they can read maps. I repeat, say what ...

The fact she is a 'blonde' only compounds the stupidity of the rambling - stereotypes and all.

Definitely a "Space for Rent" sign between those ears!

A Fine Line ...

There is a fine line between garbage, recyclables, and priceless antique treasures.


I don't have any air conditioning in my truck so my seven year-old granddaughter took it upon herself a couple of weeks ago to use her chore money and buy me a little hand-held "Finding Nemo" electric fan for me to keep in my truck so I "can stay cool with your new fan papa", because she thought it was too hot for me to be driving around without air conditioning.

"G", ya gotta love her! She makes me one proud papa.

I have used the devil out of that little fan, too!


What's in your espresso!?

Despondent the shrub sulks.

Despondent over the departures of his brain and gonzo the shrub sits on the curb pouting and sulking after failing to catch up with the speeding getaway cars.