The mystery of how and why the Mrs., had such a massive infection in such a short period of time has been solved ... we think.
Thirty years ago she worked in the trauma unit of a hospital and contracted a pervasive Mercer Staph infection then and was treated and "cured" or so we thought.
But over the last thirty years she has had one infection after the other and this coupled with the recent massive infection leads the doctors and myself to conclude that not all of the Mercer Staph infection of thirty years ago was eradicated from her body and has lain hidden causing the havoc until her blood thinners worked too well and thinned her blood to the point they poured forth and wham.
Now they think the fact that her blood was too thick for all these years is what has kept the Mercer Staph in check, her dying and returning from Pulmonary embolisms due to the thick blood is not the way I would have wanted to find out about the staph but it was just that back in the early spring that got her on the blood thinners in the first place.
She had trouble even with the thinners to get her blood to normal but as soon as she got it to 3.6 which is .6 too thin the massive infection took over in less than 12 hours from the time she found out the results of her weekly finger prick on Friday morning August 31st of this year.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Daily Funny
There was a Brewery convention in town and all the CEO's went to the local bar for a drink.
The Corona CEO tells the bartender, "I want the best beer in the world, give me a Corona."
The Budwieser CEO tells the bartender, "I want the King of Beers, give me a Budwieser."
The Coors CEO tells the bartender, "I want the beer that is brewed in Rocky Mountain Spring Water, give me a Coors."
The Guiness CEO tells the bartender, "Give me a Coke."
The bartender is a bit taken aback but gives the man what he wants.
The other CEO's look at the Guiness CEO with puzzled looks and he says to them "I see that you fellows are not drinking beer so I thought I wouldn't as well."
The Corona CEO tells the bartender, "I want the best beer in the world, give me a Corona."
The Budwieser CEO tells the bartender, "I want the King of Beers, give me a Budwieser."
The Coors CEO tells the bartender, "I want the beer that is brewed in Rocky Mountain Spring Water, give me a Coors."
The Guiness CEO tells the bartender, "Give me a Coke."
The bartender is a bit taken aback but gives the man what he wants.
The other CEO's look at the Guiness CEO with puzzled looks and he says to them "I see that you fellows are not drinking beer so I thought I wouldn't as well."
And I quote
Thomas Foust
Thomas Foust is a hero.
He had seconds to act and he did.
Saving an elderly woman from an oncoming train.
Apparently her vehicle stalled on the tracks and she could not get out in time on her own.
Up stepped Mister Foust. The lady made it out in time.
This is what a true hero is, just an ordinary schmoe, who 'saw' what had to be done and did it.
I tip my hat to you sir
Why is it that civility is a lost cause among some it seems?
Among the many forums I participate in it is the most uncivil that are ever lashing out at others and in turn whining that they are being "abused" when they are called to the carpet for their incivility or are given back what they try to dish out often better - always better than they deserve.
Also, I have noticed that there are two characteristics these uncivil ones share in common ... 1) they are younger posters, 2) they are on the right end of the political spectrum.
It is a given that each generation feels a lack of civility in the next generation, but these posters go way beyond the pale, surpassing the 'standard' of incivility each generation perceives in the next.
It is no surprise as to the political bent either given the political campaigns of the right the past twenty years.
On one forum I participate I posed this very question, albeit, worded somewhat differently - it will be interesting to see who responds and what those responses will be.
The Family Jewels
While I have never been the biggest KISS fan I have developed a taste for Gene Simmons' off beat humor in his two 'reality' shows.
The first where he took students at a classical music school in England and formed a rock band out of his class and the surprises he had for them were hilarious.
But his show featuring his family is even more hilarious and paints a portrait of a man that is not what his "Rock God" persona is supposed to be and shows him and the family in what amounts to a stand-up improv comedy troupe ... something a lot of families are - albeit this particular family is a tad bit different.
If you have never seen the show you need to. Check the A&E Channel guide for the Sunday night showing, I think it is @ 9PM - I usually catch the repeat at 11PM or so ... I don't watch TV much but happened to catch a show a while back and along with Holmes On Homes on the Discovery/Home Channel it is the only show I try to actually watch each time it is on ... my other TV viewing consists of the different science, history, home and gardening channels when I stop long enough to even turn on the TV.
For all the KISS fans out there reading this remember I did not say I didn't like their music, just I never was much of a fan so don't pull out the poisoned pens and start sending venom filled missives to the comment inbox.