Friday, September 21, 2007

Poll Numbers

I happened to noticed a trend in the numbers of recent polls on various topics ... they are running eerily similar. This goes across the board.

As most thinking people know political polls have been running a steady 70% against the current cabal on everything including a 70 to 30 split disapproving of the commuting of "Scooter" Libby's prison sentence with 18,577 people responding to that poll.

But take a look at two other polls recently completed.

With 17,664 people responding to a poll asking if they thought Micheal Vick's football career was over 70% said yes 30% said no.

With 20,389 people responding to a poll asking if Harry Potter books should be banned from school libraries 72% said no and 28% said yes.

The same 70-30 split. Our nation is speaking volumes and loudly here but the 30% aren't listening, they have 'their' boy in and can not see reality when it is staring them in the face.

One recent poll however DID break with the trend ... when asked if they would buy an IPod now that the price had dropped to below $200.00US: 21,442 people responded and 95% said no - so not all of us are as dumb as a few of us, it's just the dumb ones really make a lot of squeeky type noises.

Conservative District My Arse

Was just reading where a politico was spouting that Western Carolina is a conservative district and should be represented by a conservative in congress.

Horse hockey. There is a reason a Liberal is representing Western Carolina in congress you know. And that reason isn't that the area is any sort of conservative quite the opposite the area is very Liberal and individualistic.

To be fair, it is that individualism that can be misconstrued by those of weak minds and microscopic cognizant abilities.

It is always amusing to hear such drivel from those who do not live here or are new comers to the area.

With the exception of a cluster of troglodytes in the city of Charlotte (which has ever been out of touch with reality - they supported and comforted the British during the War for Independence ... the area's 'nickname' of "Hornet's Nest" was given to the area by Cornwallis as he hid in Charlotte from the surrounding area Scotsmen who had no love for him or the British and who forced him to flee to Yorktown - the rest they say is history), the area is steadfastly Liberal.

But the equally if not more so steadfastness of the individuality of the local native population (primarily Scots and Scots/Irish with some odd German and Native American thrown in), proves to be puzzling to those unfamiliar with the area - as evidenced by the spouting 'conservative' which prompted this post.

400 Strong

Hard to stop an oncoming train isn't it?!

400 posts strong and increasing momentum.

Daily Word

Today's Daily Word is:

Pungent (pun' - jant) a - sharply affecting the taste or smell; stinging; sarcastic; caustic.
[Pungency - n - from Latin pungere, to prick]

Officer given his comeuppance

James Kuehnlein the police officer who was video taped berating and harassing a motorist parked in a commuter parking lot has been handed his comeuppance.

He has been fired!

He was fired for his language which is quite clear on the video and for his failure to video tape the incident with the video tape recorder in his police car - something that is required.

The days of the police being able to behave as Kuehnlein did and get away with it are over, just as the cameras in their cars are there to record what they did so that any claims against them could be verified (which is why it is common practice for the police to not turn them on - no record, no proof; with the availability of cameras in the public's hands they have lost that little trick), there are cameras in the public's cars as well.

It should not take the 'threat' of a video recording of any action to make anyone do what is right, but such is the times we live in. Like the old Chinese curse says "May you live in interesting times", and boy these are interesting times indeed.

And I Quote

Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.

~ Elbert Hubbard

What's in a name?

Dime to donuts it's a woman who runs it.

Delaware State

O.K., Just what is it about Delaware State?

Two more students have been shot there - one with potentially life threatening injures.

Back on August 4th, four students (I believe it's four), were killed 'execution style' on a schoolyard in Newark, New Jersey and the teenagers authorities are saying are responsible in that murder are going to be tried as adults if prosecutors get their wish.

So, somebody tell me what the #@*& is going on here!