Monday, April 28, 2008

Questions for the Deniers

Are you saying there's no such thing as global warming?
Are you saying state-sized ice chunks aren't breaking off Antartica?

Or are you saying that's "cyclical," and the polar caps will someday become colder and freeze?
Do you realize the consequences if your guess is wrong?

Or are you agreeing that global warming is real,
and we are entering our final days - but God will protect us?

Or are you saying there's nothing we can do about it - whatever the cause - so we might
as well quit and surrender because that's the kind of spirit that built this once-great country?

Or are you saying... well, ...what the fuck ARE you saying?
Does the GOP have ANY coherent strategy on the subject?

Lastly, if you're wrong, and you stop us from reversing this, we're all dead,
and so are your children and the grandchildren who never had a chance to survive
because oil bastards like you wanted a few extra dollars instead of a stable planet..

But if we're wrong, what's the worst that could happen?

Our air would be cleaner?
We'd import less oil, which means fewer dead soldiers?
We'd only create 50M tons of plastic bags a year, instead of 100M tons?

We know what's the worst that could happen if you're wrong - a dead planet.
What's the worst that could happen if we're wrong?

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