Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The RNC Can't Handle The Truth

The RNC Can't Handle The Truth

This is really is too rich.

The Republican Party, who has spent years either sponsoring or cheering on ads that relied on distortions or outright lies to win elections, are outraged that the Democratic National Committee dares to use facts in an ad about John McCain.

Here are a few excerpts from the cease and desist letter that the RNC is sending out to various television station managers.

It has come to our attention that your station is currently or will soon begin airing a false advertisement sponsored by the Democratic National Committee ("DNC"). The advertisement in question falsely and maliciously accuses Senator McCain of stating that prolonging the Iraq war for "100 years" would be "fine" with him.
Actually, the ad doesn't accuse John McCain of anything. But one must wonder if it occurred to the RNC that if they think John McCain's own words imply that he's fine with war in Iraq for 100 years, then they've just endorsed what the DNC ad shows.

But it's not just the words coming out of John McCain's mouth that has the RNC frothing at the mouth, it's:
...the accompanying visual images in the advertisement, which show explosions, burning military equipment, and on-screen text stating "Over 4,000 Dead."
This of course clashes with the RNC version of war, which features freshly painted schools and waving purple fingers, rather than its ugly realities.

But this has to be my favorite line:
...the DNC has no right to knowingly and willfully spread false information in a deliberate attempt to mislead the American people.
You can almost hear them screaming, "That's our job!"

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