Friday, May 30, 2008


Today's CHATTER revolves around the bemoaning of tired topics being repetitive ad nauseum on every forum of every stripe.
And you guessed it ... sex topics top the list.

While such topics are fine and dandy they do tend to wear thin and I do wonder why some are obsessed with them. Even this Blog's sister Blog which is more skewed toward just such topics has more there than sex in both a serious and an irreverent vein.

Bemoaning the fact that such topics clog up a forum is a useless exercise, Simply refrain from participating in topics that are not to your liking instead of deriding and complaining about them - it is plain to see that some like them and keep them going.

After sex, 'how do I get (insert whatever here)' topics run a close second with 'why don't they (insert whatever here)' bringing in third place.

That is just how the cookie crumbles folks. Learn to deal with it.

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