Thursday, May 29, 2008

Functionaries Are ... The Poll(s)


I have an ongoing poll on several forums about how people perceive functionaries.

You know those individuals who fill the meaningless slots in the machinery of modern society and those self anointed individuals "in charge" of whatever, be it the local PTA or neighborhood watch, etc.

Every poll on each forum is running thusly:

A necessary evil. - 40%
The bane of modern society. - 50%
Petty tyrants. - 20%
Clueless drones. - 25%

Give or take a couple of percentage points.

The polls allow for multiple answers so a fuller picture of how we truly view those who are functionaries.

They do not hold up well in the view of the poll's respondents when a full 50% of all respondents think of them as the Bane of Modern Society.

Not surprising is it?

So to all you functionaries out there - take heed, we do not necessarily like you, we tolerate you and in some cases distinctly dislike you such as the prig insisting on enforcing property standards to the letter and beyond in the community where you live or the holier than thou one who demands all say, do and believe as they tell you to.

For all the functionaries who actually perform a real 'function' needed for modern society's continued existence ... sorry, but you are painted with the same brush as the self anointed ones and they make an ugly picture.

1 comment:

  1. You shouldn't be hard on the funtionaires. Without them who would organize the bake sales and car washes, be the first to whisper sshhh when the meeting's starting, remind the teacher that there was suspposed to be a quize today, and keep you frustrated to point of becoming permantly cross-eyed when in the line at the DMV?

    They're sort of the pissants of the human world, scurrying about self-importantly while higher life forms barely notice them until they get too annoying.

    God forbid any of them be allowed sidearms.

