Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just the Facts, M'am

Did you know that ALL recessions since 1900, have taken place under republican presidents or directly the result of policies of republican presidents, save one?

True fact.

The single exception occurred at the conclusion of World War II during the Truman administration
and it was one predictable consequence of ending a war.

It was also the shortest, as well as the shallowest.

Contrast that with the fact that we are now enduring our SECOND recession due to the shrub thugs.

As BartCop is fond of saying ...

“It’s the Republicans’ job to crash

the economy so the super-rich can swoop in and buy companies and assets for pennies on the dollar.”

Now, this is a bit on the simplistic side, but in essence, it’s EXACTLY what they do!

And another one:

“Never trust a Republican. It’s their job to crash the economy so their billionaire friends can buy once-healthy companies for pennies on the dollar, fire the employees and sell the assets for profit.”

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