Thursday, May 22, 2008

Petty People, Small Minds

Have you ever had it to here with some petty small mind?

Well, I have.

The most recent is on a forum that I used to frequent and participate in but since the petty small minded individual that is currently causing an itch came onto the scene I have not frequented nor participated there as much.

This self proclaimed tyrant insists on reading meaning into things that are not there nor were even thought of until he interprets it as fact ... which has garnered so many complaints I have lost count yet he persists in his claim that it is myself and one other who are generating the complaints.

First, as I am not even there a lot nor do I post attacking or ridiculing posts willy-nilly when I am there so that is not be true.
Second, I have received in excess of 200 e-mails from over 175 individuals (and only two repeat senders) saying exactly the opposite.

His claims as to being fair are a bad joke as he has allowed the wing-nuts and lunatic fringe to rant and rave unabated, attacking a ridiculing everything and everyone with impunity ... something that had been all but stopped by a few members unafraid of the howling monkeys and the previous individual to function are the forum's chief moderator from the early days of the forum when the wing-nuts ran amok and no one wanted to be on the forum and membership was declining ... the same thing is happening again with the allowance of the bile spewing from the lunatic fringe.
Mature posters of all stripes are leaving the forum and all state the two reasons are the renewed wing-nut ranting and the new chief moderator's allowance of such while censoring of any that oppose such.

Things such as this are not allowed on this blog and my readers appreciate that.
Opinions vary and those presented in a mature civil manner are accepted as what they are.
Ranting, spewing bile and hatred will never be tolerated here - that is about the only intolerance you will find here (other subjects and topics may be added as time goes on. For example certain types of porn will most likely be on the taboo list, so you get the idea).

Over 9000 regular readers read this blog, thank you.

There is a new forum linked to the right that is just up and hopefully will be running with people of those varying opinions posting on virtually any subject - the forum is set up as an ultra forum in which all groups and interests can have a say except the haters and the fear mongers.
Check them out.

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