Thursday, June 26, 2008

Anti-Monkey Butt Powder

So what is this Powder all about? It’s for motorcyclers. When you are driving on a motorcycle for hundreds of miles, at a time, your butt gets sweaty and irritated from all the constant rubbing. This can be extremely painful from what I am told. The Anti Monkey Butt Powder will absorb the sweat leaving your butt nice and dry and unirritated. The following is directly from the bottle fof this uniquely named product:

“Anti Monkey Butt Powder is specially formulated to absorb excess sweat and reduce frictional skin irritation."

Ideal for butt busting activities such as truck driving, motorcycling, bicycling , horse back riding, and extreme sports. May also be applied inside footwear, under sports pads, and other areas prone to chafing.”

While you're laughing ... this is a real consumer product and can be found on the shelves at RiteAid and probably other places as well.

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