Sunday, June 15, 2008


The chatter that is hogging the forums right now is about the run for the presidency ... and you guessed it - the haters are in full chorus spouting their hate and vilifying Obama.

The biggest 'buzzword' amongst their shrillness is "he is the most Liberal senator in the Senate", but wait, isn't that what they said about and say about all persons not of their ilk in every election.

Talk about beating a dead horse.

These rants have even supplanted topics about sex - even on blogs dedicated to that very subject - and with our society's collective obsession with sex that is something.

Opinion polls of all stripes ... from local ad hoc to national strictly controlled ones ... show the haters are very much out of favor.

However, that hasn't quieted them down on the varied forums on the Net or on 'talk radio'.

It is just that fewer and fewer people are listening to them, except they don't know it ... just like they know nothing outside the boundaries of their dogma they are spoon-fed by their handlers in the first place.

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