Tuesday, June 10, 2008

CNN has it wrong

Take a look at the map CNN has done as to how they see the run for the White House breaking down in each state and the electoral college votes they have.

Not very accurate at all though.

They have North Carolina leaning toward Mc Pain and that is not anywhere in the ballpark much less being close. North Carolina is solid Obama country. More than a few of the "Toss-Up" states and the other "Leaning toward Mc Pain" states are solid Obama country as well.

America is tired of the haters and deniers, and has sent the message in loud and clear terms to the haters and deniers, but they are incapable of hearing - understanding - heeding (take your pick), the message. The lunatic fringe will not be allowed to steal the laughter this time (to paraphrase Red Rider). The media, which is right leaning and more and more so daily, denies it and refuses to report it hoping we will forget it.

And before you howling screech monkeys begin screeching about that "liberal media" nonsense try and engage a brain - if you have one - corporations own the media outlets and corporations are notoriously right leaning - that's conservative, by the way - and that bias carries over to their 'news reporting'.

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