Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Daily Funny

Who says men don't remember anniversaries!

A wife awakened one night to find her husband missing from the bed Throwing on her robe she went downstairs looking for him.

Seeing him alone, in the dark, sitting at the kitchen table she flipped on the light to see he was staring at the wall with a tear running down his eye.

She went to him, touched his shoulder tenderly and asked, "Honey, what's wrong?"

He replied, "Do you remember that night, exactly twenty-years ago, you were sixteen, and we were in the back seat of my car, and..."

Reaching out she grasped his hand with her heart fluttering that he remembered the exact date she interrupted, "Oh yes, my love, I remem..."

Without pause, he continued, "And your dad came out and caught us, and shoved a shotgun in my face and said I'd have to marry you or he'd have me put in jail."

With tears running down her face and all choked up she looked at him silently with utter love and devotion.

He said, "I'd be getting out today!"

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