Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Donate a net!

The big thing in charity right now is $10.00 donations for mosquito nets, especially among the teenagers surfing the web, to give to children in malaria plagued regions.

Who said the internet was only for looking at porn - yes I know, they are usually looking for porn when they come across the site to donate the nets (it's linked everywhere) - but still!

It is not a bad idea, having lived in a few or more of 'those regions' myself (and lucky enough to escape unscathed by malaria), I know first hand the irritant those mosquitoes are and to contract a disease - which is quite fatal by the way in those regions - because of those irritating pests would be the height of misery. The young and the old are the most susceptible ... aren't they always ... so I encourage any who would to donate a net, who knows the life it may save could be the next Einstein or Picasso.

I do not have the link here yet. I guess I don't spend as much time as some do surfing for porn to have found it and for the life of me I can't remember the address from the newspaper article I read this morning before the Mrs., used the paper for cleaning the windows.

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