Thursday, June 19, 2008

Haters Scream Loudly

What I find utterly amazing is the haters on an old forum are spouting off about 'angry' posters when it is they who are the angry ones and brook no deviation from their proscribed dogma.

People are ceasing to go to that forum because of these people, who have reared their heads once again and are all chorusing the same tune claiming they debate ideas and everyone else 'ruthlessly attacks them personally' when the reverse is reality.

Haters have a problem with reality - it seldom, if at all, meshes with their dogma.

What we are seeing and hearing now is the last screams of the Hater Movement ... the shrub and the rest of the cabal have seen to their death knell by their 'activities' over the last seven plus years - it is the one thing the shrub and the cabal have done that is good for the nation and the world.

Too, bad they have come to dominate a forum that was once vibrant and vital but now is totally irrelevant just as they have done on numerous forums before.

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