Friday, June 13, 2008

Hey, it's an offer!

The historic flooding in Iowa has led to the issue of a 'voluntary' evacuation order for residents in Des Monies and the surrounding areas.
Better make that mandatory because it is only going to get worse before it gets better by the way the weather gurus see it.
We'll take 1/100th of that rain off your hands in Iowa here if you'll take half the bloody heat and use it to dry up the over soaked farmland to the point of a natural balance.
We need the rain to end the drought and it's hot enough around these parts this time of year without the oppressive temperatures of the past few days.
Think it over.
But don't take too long, this offer has a half-life of how ever long the temperatures remain excessive ... and they are beginning to fall back to the normal overly hot temperatures we know and love.

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