Sunday, June 15, 2008

McPain slams Supreme Court on terrorist detainees

republican presidential candidate John McPain on Friday sharply denounced a Supreme Court decision that gave suspected terrorist detainees a right to seek their release in federal courts.

"I think it's one of the worst decisions in history," McPain said. "It opens up a whole new chapter and interpretation of our constitution."

McPain is one of the authors of the 2006 Military Commissions Act which set up procedures for the handling of detainees. The act denied the detainees access to federal courts.

The Supreme Court on Thursday said that provision of the law violated the constitution.

McPain on Thursday said he had not read the ruling and reserved his criticism. But on Friday, speaking to about 1,500 people at a town hall meeting in Pemberton, N.J., he attacked the decision, saying the law he helped write "made it very clear that these are enemy combatants, they are not citizens, they do not have the rights of citizens."

The issue could be potent for McPain, who often encounters questions from audiences about how he would go about selecting potential justices for the court. McPain often cites Chief Justice John Roberts as the type of justice he would nominate. On Friday he especially praised him for his dissent in the detainee case.

McPain spoke to reporters after the town hall, accompanied by Sen. Lindsey Graham, r-S.C., who helped him write the military commissions law.

"What happened yesterday was unprecedented," Graham said. "Americans are going to be shocked to find that that mastermind of 9-11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, now has the same legal standing as an American citizen."


Oops, the Hater's stacked court, decided that humans have rights. That clearly runs afoul of the Haters ideology and their ideologues. Which only further proves we don't need them and never did.

While some of the 'Detainees' are barely able to be classified as human by their actions, the same goes for some of those 'detaining' them and more so, actually.

And this McPain prick is wanting to continue the failed mission of the cabal?! Think not!

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