Friday, June 13, 2008

Pity Really

What is truly disappointing is the lack of recognition of the haters and hate filled rhetoric by some who are continuing to 'defend' the haters and accuse those who call them to task for their hate of not 'understanding' or being in error in their perceptions.

This is vividly illustrated on a forum wherein one of the most virulent haters is posting his flotsam and jetsam and those who are asking him to stick to the debate are being 'attacked' by yet another who claims to be one of the non-haters yet consistently posts hate laced posts and posts supporting hate and the haters.

This particular forum is fast going the way of the DoDo with uninspired pablum on threads and hate filled sputum on others ... a pity really for it once was a vibrant forum for all viewpoints - and is increasingly irrelevant as it has lost its focus in favor of becoming a soapbox for the haters to spew from.

What is even more funny is as that forum is falling off, viewer and readership here has climbed ... makes one wonder. Hate and intolerance versus humor and diversity ... hummm ... could it be?!

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