Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sensible Advice

Once and a while one of those 'Advice' columnists gets it right ... or at least close to right.
Here is Amy's response to a recent letter (Amy took over for Ann Landers, by the way):

Dear Amy: My husband and I have vacationed with another family for the past 20 years. Now that all our kids are grown, we decided for the first time to take a "couples-only" vacation.

Our friends went to a nearby lake where nude bathing is permitted, and they enjoyed it. Now they want to go to a nude resort.

My husband and I frequently sleep in the nude, and before kids we used to go skinny-dipping at a secluded pond.

My husband is willing to try this nude resort, but as much as I like being naked in private, I just can't imagine being comfortable naked in front of strangers. Our friends say we'll feel totally comfortable au naturel once we are surrounded by other naked people.

We are both 50, and our bodies are not nubile.

We are looking forward to this joint vacation. I would hate giving it up, and I also hate being the only person objecting to it.

Will I lose my inhibition, as they say, or will I likely be miserable?

––Shy Nude

Dear Shy: My only experience visiting a nude beach was in Europe, where I got used to the nudity very quickly (I stayed fully clothed).

Once I was used to looking at naked strangers, I realized that I didn't enjoy it very much.

Suffice it to say that most of us have bodies that are best viewed through more than just a layer of sunscreen. For people who enjoy being publicly nude, however, nudity is not about looking at beautiful bodies, but about the freedom of being without clothes. You never know––you could be one of those people.

You can find out for yourself by visiting your nearby nude lake for a test run before committing to this.

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