Monday, June 16, 2008

It's what they call us ...

The Tar Heel State.
One version of the nickname's origin has the name first being applied to North Carolinians during the War between the States.

One record talks of the battle at Mananas Junction (that's Bull Run to you Yankees) in Virginia, where their supporting column of Virginians retreated, but the North Carolina troops fought alone.

The victorious troops were asked in a condescending tone by some Virginians, who had retreated, "Any more tar down in the Old North State, boys?"

The response came quickly: "No, not a bit; old Jeff's bought it all up."

The Virginians asked: "Is that so? What is he going to do with it?"

The reply: "He is going to put it on you'ns heels to make you stick better in the next fight."

(Editor's Note: North Carolina was known for its production of tar in the later 18th century through most of the 19th century)

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