Friday, June 13, 2008

To those haters attacking via e-mail!


"Enough, already!" to all those anti-Obama rants piling up in his inbox! W_jitcrunch

And so it starts, one after the other e-mails about Obama land in my box. He is like a turtle sitting on a post. He did not serve in the armed forces. He didn’t stand properly at the playing of the national anthem. His religion is even sillier than believing that a woman talked to a snake. Some e-mails are true. Some are partly true. Some are so obscure nobody could tell the difference.

All have the same purpose. To distract attention from the most inept and corrupt political party in American history, and from the man who has promised to carry on with the same old stuff, namely fight unnecessary wars and cut taxes!

Now let’s look at what this corrupt party has given us. To start with, we had eight years of uninterrupted opposition to the administration. But was it the oft-touted “loyal opposition” with the best interests of the country in mind? Was it based on learned, high minded opposition to policy or goals?

Oh hell no! It was aimed at a blow job for Pete’s sake. A FUCKING BLOW JOB almost got a president turned out of office. And I heard the shouting loudest from sailors, none of whom ever did such a thing! NEVER!

That effort was then carried by one of the biggest lies in our political history “IT WASN’T ABOUT A BLOW JOB.”

Oh it was about a lie? Under oath? Did anybody check Ronald Reagan’s responses to the most important accusations of his administration? He claimed some thirty times that he didn’t recall. These were in deposition and under oath.

It’s simple folks. If he recalled and said he didn’t It was a lie. If he truly didn’t remember he was even more inept than our current president. That simply isn't possible.

The bloviating worked. Eight years where we had relative peace, rising prosperity, international respect, and a balanced budget were followed by a president who, according to his own closest advisors, was blissfully unaware of what happened in his own cabinet meetings.

This president, whose only accolade seemed to be that he really, really, really believed in god also insisted that his intelligence be shaped to “prove” what he wanted it to prove.

He got us into a war based on lies. Again these lies are revealed by those on the inside, not by a blithering blowhard bloviating “duddle up, duddle up, duddle up” into a microphone. We are still in that war and the best we can possibly hope for is that we can get out without screwing up the Middle-East further.

The national debt has soared out of sight with no remedy anywhere to be seen.

This president's science advisors altered reports commissioned by himself so as to reflect what he wanted to believe.

And now we have a man who agrees with him 95% of the time, and we’re supposed to give him a pass because his son served in Vietnam or because his wife did something nice?

Is party loyalty so great that we will ruin the country in its name?

Keith Taylor is a writer and author in Chula Vista, CA.

(Shamelessly 'borrowed' from over at Rev. Art - Minister of Rants, lock, stock and barrel)

Yeah, what he said!

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