Monday, June 16, 2008

True Definitions

The definition of what is a Liberal and what is a conservative is not properly used, especially be those calling themselves 'conservative'.

The true definitions are as follows:

Being Liberal is a state of mind wherein openness, forward thinking, acceptance, ability and willingness to change or adapt, and inclusiveness are the mainstays.

Being conservative is a state of mind wherein closure, rearward thinking, non-acceptance, inability and unwillingness to change or adapt, and exclusiveness are the mainstays.


True liberals are conservative and true conservatives are liberal in that they look to preserve and expand what is good with new ideas and tried traditions and knowing which and when to embrace while discarding the bad accordingly. They are calling us Progressives right now.

The current crop of those claiming to be conservative are anything but - they are autocratic Fascists and National Socialists (Haters for short). And use the same old fear mongering that their kind have used since before history began. It works for a short while when the world, in its short memory loses sight of the total disaster they made the last time these misogynistic troglodytes reared their nasty heads from the fetid swamp where they are spawned, then the world wakes up from its stupor and ousts them and exiles them back to their putrid abodes under the rocks at the bottom of their swamp.

We are seeing that ousting and exile in progress right now.

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