Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Doing the exact opposite from what they should be doing

Breaking News:

More US troops may go to Afghanistan this year

Pentagon leaders on Wednesday signaled a surge in U.S. forces in Afghanistan "sooner rather than later," a shift that could send some units there within weeks, as officials prepare to cut troop levels in Iraq.

Senior military officials are looking across the services to identify smaller units and other equipment that could be sent to Afghanistan, according to a defense official.

Although there are no brigade-sized units that can be deployed quickly into Afghanistan, military leaders believe they can find a number of smaller units such as aviation, engineering and surveillance troops that can be moved more swiftly, said the official, who requested anonymity because the discussions are private.

The moves are expected to happen within weeks rather than months, the official said.


They should be bringing ALL the troops home not sending MORE!
But in typical cabal fashion they are doing exactly the opposite of what they should be doing!

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