Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fire bomb thrown at US Consulate General

An assailant threw a homemade firebomb into the U.S. consulate compound on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa, home to most of the American troops based in Japan, but nobody was injured in the attack, police said.

The Molotov cocktail fell in the garden inside the compound and burned itself out, Okinawan police official Yasuhiko Yoshinaga said. He declined to give further details.

A local resident told police that a person driving a black motorbike fled the scene after the attack.

Okinawa, located 1,000 miles south of Tokyo, is home to more than half the 50,000 U.S. troops based in Japan and is considered a linchpin in the American military posture in Asia.

There has long been anti-U.S. military sentiment on the island, with Okinawans complaining of soldier-related crimes.

This is one situation that we cannot lay squarely at the feet of the shrub and the cabal (albeit, they have acerbated the situation simply by they way they do things), it has been a thorn in the side of the island residents and the US military basically since before the end of WW2 when American troops landed on the island - and instances such as this are actually not all that uncommon.

The island residents DO have legitimate claims as to crimes by US Service Personnel ... quite a bit is swept under the rug as it were (not so much today as was years ago when it was pretty much open range for the servicemen to do as they pleased with not a fear of retribution or of any consequences for that matter in the early years following the war).

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