Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hurricane Bertha could strengthen in coming days

Those darn prickly hairs ...

Forecasters are saying Hurricane Bertha could become stronger in the next day as it heads toward Bermuda.

It's unknown if or when the hurricane will make landfall. Forecasters have been urging people on the island to monitor the storm's progress.

As of about 11 a.m. EDT Wednesday, the center of the storm was about 550 miles northeast of the northern Leeward Islands and about 715 miles southeast of Bermuda.

Maximum sustained winds are about 75 mph with some higher gusting. National Hurricane Center forecasters expect the storm to regain strength in the next 24 hours but say there is a lot of uncertainty in that prediction.

The Atlantic season's first hurricane is traveling west-northwest at about 12 mph.

Those prickly hairs are still standing on the back of my neck and it seems they are starting to stand up on the forecaster's necks as well ...

Bertha is going to be a doozy before she all finished.

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