Saturday, July 5, 2008

Man beheads Hitler

A man raced into Berlin's Madame Tussauds wax museum Saturday and ripped the head off a waxwork of Adolf Hitler, police said.

Police said the 41-year-old entered the exhibit shortly after the museum doors opened and "made for the Hitler figure," scuffling with a guard assigned to protect it and the manager before tearing the head off the life-size statue.

The man was arrested and is now in custody, Berlin police spokeswoman Uwe Kozelnik said. Under questioning, the man explained he wanted to protest the figure being included in the museum.

Saturday was the opening day of the Berlin branch of the famous Madame Tussauds wax museum.

The presence of the waxwork, which depicted the Nazi dictator sitting at his desk in his bunker during his last days, in the new museum led to criticism in German media over recent weeks. But the museum's defenders argued Hitler's role in German history must not be ignored.

Hitler was shown with a sullen expression, his head slightly down, and one hand on the desk.

Police said the man is now being investigated for causing damages and bodily harm -- the manager was slightly injured in the leg -- but that he would probably be released later in the day.

Berlin is the eighth wax museum for London-based Madame Tussauds, known for its lifelike waxworks depicting famous people including celebrities, politicians, sports stars, artists, and scientists.

Famous Germans included in the exhibits are Chancellor Angela Merkel, scientist Albert Einstein, composer Johann Sebastian Bach, and tennis champion Boris Becker.

Should they ever put a wax figure of the shrub in a branch of the museum opened in the US, I would not be surprised at a similar scenario when it 'opened' seeing as both are totally despised by the population at large -while loved by the same narrow minded hate-filled minority.

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