Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Mentally Ill Republicans


Conservative republicans suffer from a form of mental illness. Americans have watched them embrace
family values and discover ethics, while stealing an election and contriving circumstances for starting wars.
They have worked tirelessly to undermine the American Constitution while frantically waving the flag.
They firmly believe in the privatization of government and consistently ignore the inconvenient history
of the American taxpayer bailout of one failed/scandalized corporation after the next.

Republican mental illness manifests itself in the duality that conservatives want to turn the clock back
to mom, apple pie, and that good, ol’ time religion, while unmercifully exploiting every natural
resource until the ravaged earth will no longer support life. Turning yet another profit
takes precedence over their own survival.

That's most obvious when you look at global warming.
We once celebrated Robert Peary for being the first man to reach the North Pole.
These days, you just hop on a boat and row there because the ice is gone.

It might make sense if starving people needed to pump oil out of the ground to eat,
but what's crazy is billionaires who want more millions are destroying our planet.

Bush & Cheney had more money than they could ever spend, but it wasn't enough
so they conspired with other crooks to steal power so they could steal more money.

(Thanks to BartCop for this piece!)

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