Sunday, July 6, 2008

Nudist News

Nudists consider creating

assisted living facility

It all started with a nudist's search for an assisted living facility for her non-nudist grandmother.

"What's going to happen to me and my friends when we have to have heart surgery or a hip replacement?" wondered April Genter, a 46-year-old nudist real-estate agent whose primary customer base is others who share her lifestyle.

The fear of having to forsake familiar surroundings for a place in what they call "the textile world" has prompted a committee of residents from Pasco's nudist communities to examine the possibility of opening what could be the country's first assisted living facility for nudists.

It's a sign of the times as the age of the nudist culture continues to rise.

(This blurb is from Land 'O Lakes, Florida, but similar ideas are cropping up all across the nation)

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