Monday, July 7, 2008

She isn't an IV drug user any longer! (For now)

The Mrs., just came in from the doctor where they finally decided to remove the PIC line from her right arm which she has had since her last hospital visit.

So more more IV antibiotics ... we're down to oral ones.

But when removing the PIC line the doctor said she had a blood clot in that arm (luckily it came out with the PIC line) and he was freaking because it was blood clots in the lungs last year that started this saga we are on.

Right now the Mrs., is ecstatic with the fact she can take a shower in lieu of a bath - you can not allow the end of the PIC line to get wet - so I expect not to see her for the next hour or so!

At least now, she is no longer an 'IV drug user' ... until the next time the hospital sends her home with a PIC line in her arm that is!

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