Wednesday, July 9, 2008

State employee won't lower flags for Helms

A longtime North Carolina state employee has chosen to retire instead of lowering flags to honor repugnant-ican Jesse Helms.

L.F. Eason III told his staff at the state Standards Laboratory not to lower the flag. The News & Observer of Raleigh reports that Eason sent workers an e-mail saying he didn't think it was appropriate to lower the flags because of Helms' "doctrine of negativity, hate, and prejudice."

Eason is calling it quits after 29 years with the Department of Agriculture.

Even in death the Black Prince of Darkness is fucking up other people's lives!

It should be telling that a person with 29 years in on a job is willing to quit that job rather than 'honor' an honor-less demon when the entire world is rejoicing the demon's passing!

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