Wednesday, July 23, 2008

This is how the cabal treats our troops part duex

I have seen this all over the net so I thought I would add it here as well ...

Soldier in famous photo ... dead!


For most of the past five years, the 31-year-old soldier had writhed in a private hell,
shooting at imaginary enemies and dodging nonexistent roadside bombs, sleeping in
a closet bunker and trying desperately to huff away the "demons" in his head. When his
personal problems became public, efforts were made to help him, but nothing seemed to work.

They found Joseph Dwyer lying on his back, his clothes soiled with urine and feces.
Scattered on the floor around him were dozens of spent cans of Dust-Off,
a refrigerant-based aerosol normally used to clean electrical equipment.

Dwyer told police Lt. Mike Wilson he'd been "huffing" the aerosol.

"Help me, please!" the former Army medic begged Wilson.
"I'm dying. Help me. I can't breathe."

Unable to stand or even sit up, Dwyer was hoisted onto a stretcher.
As paramedics prepared to load him into an ambulance, an officer
noticed Dwyer's eyes had glassed over and were fixed.

A half hour later, he was dead.

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