Friday, July 11, 2008

Trail Mix

Just some rambling thoughts mixed in with profound ideas:

Naked women on the wall.

Coke with Splenda is wonderful.

Serenity is having enough self control not to choke the living mud out of someone who desperately needs it!

Belly Dancers know how to move.

New houses, new dreams.

The lone wolf will survive because he is the toughest - he has to be for all he has to rely on is himself.

Money is the root of all evil they say ... what they don't say it the the excess and the lack of it is the root of all evil.

Nobody is perfect - I am nobody, therefore I am perfect!

I am getting old ... I remember when DEEP THROAT was the date movie every couple had to go see - and they actually watched the movie!

A lady in the bank today actually said "I can't be out of money, I still have checks!"

To know his importance in the scheme of things every man should have a dog who adores him completely and a cat who ignores him entirely!

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