Wednesday, July 2, 2008

US military deaths in Iraq at 4,113

As of Wednesday, July 2, 2008, at least 4,113 members of the U.S. military have died in the Iraq war since it began in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.

The figure includes 8 military civilians killed in action. At least 3,353 died as a result of hostile action, according to the military numbers.

The Defense Department's tally was last updated Wednesday at 10 a.m. EDT.

The British military has reported 176 deaths; Italy, 33; Ukraine, 18; Poland, 21; Bulgaria, 13; Spain, 11; Denmark, 7; El Salvador, 5; Slovakia, 4; Latvia and Georgia, 3 each; Estonia, Netherlands, Thailand, Romania, 2 each; and Australia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, South Korea, 1 death each.

Remember these are the deaths 'reported' and as we all know the US government is a great bastion of honesty now don't we!? I can not speak as to the other governments as to their figures. One is too many.

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