Sunday, August 24, 2008

Catch up musing

Things have been hectic around the farm and library the last few weeks and the heat of summer has been a pain for the animals.
Luckily for them the aquifer under the farm has been extra gracious in coming out of the natural well at a faster rate than normal (there is still more than enough for better than a hundred years at the current rate, so my bottled water business will continue to do well), and they have had plenty of water even with the water restrictions my neighbors have had to deal with.
There are benefits to owning your own water.

The Renaissance fair is fast approaching so a busy fall is in the offing.

The Carolina Panthers are showing some good things for the upcoming season and should make for some good game day parties.

My leatherworking business is hopping right now as it does every year when the Fair rolls around and all the Rennies want or need something made or repaired - and to think I started it eight years or so ago as a hobby ... even have branched out into tailoring costumes - who says a man can't sew - and the ladies who do sew costumes and such for a living come to me for any work that deals with the heavier fabrics for help and advise because I work with leather and they all know I can handle the heavier stuff, the delicate stuff is another story all together.
The one problem is I do too good with my work and I have yet to have had any repair work on any of my pieces (I have repaired other's work) other than replace a screw or two that did not set when I glued it (inserted glue on the grooved cylinder to hold is from undoing itself).

Lamentations for the demise of a vibrant, dynamic place are being voiced.
Now, as to them being heard ...
Cryptic enough for you?
I know some who will think it is referencing them - sorry, but no it is not.


Live by this simple mantra ... Smile - it confuses people ... and you will be happy.

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