Wednesday, August 27, 2008

DHS contractor threatens woman with arrest for wearing "" tee on federal property

It's not just the idiots at the TSA - the entire Department of Homeland Security is rife with mentally ill whack-jobs ...

For example:

Security guards contracted by the DHS threw a woman out of a Social Security office in Van Nuys for wearing a t-shirt that read "" He claimed that "The Rules and Regulations Governing Conduct on Federal Property" gave him the right to throw her out for wearing a t-shirt with the word "lesbian" on it.
As she headed for a line to pick up a Social Security card for her son, Gilbert was stopped by a guard who said her T-shirt, naming an educational and resource Web site for gay women, was offensive.

She said the guard, who works for a private company hired by the Department of Homeland Security, demanded that she leave the building or face arrest.

T-shirt gets Van Nuys woman kicked out of federal building

When will the bigots learn? We keep asking the question even though we know the answer - Never.

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