Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Faux News gets their comeuppance ... live

Skippy the Bush Kangaroo posted this yesterday and it bears repeating:

The following video report, as seen live on fox "news" yesterday, demonstrates that the far-right "news" channel has no clue what the words "raucous", "out of control" or "freedom of speech" actually mean, as "reporter" Griff Jenkins is seen taunting DNC convention demonstrators, only to receive chants of "fuck fox news", live on air, in the bargain...

Those morons at faux news can't even discern when they are being told to take a long walk off a short pier and 'blame' those that are telling them to take that walk of failing to speaking up for what they believe ... you got to love the stupidity of faux news - not!
Then they try to link the Chicago riots of 1968 to the Democratic convention in Denver saying that is what those that won't talk to them are planning to 'recreate' ... ah, the noise machine at work folks.

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