Thursday, August 21, 2008

Grand jury issues 3 indictments in polygamist case

A grand jury issued three new felony indictments Thursday against members of a polygamist sect raided in April.

Schleicher County Clerk Peggy Williams confirmed the grand jury issued indictments against three individuals.
She would not say who was indicted or what the indictments allege, other than that they are felonies.

A spokesman for the Attorney General's Office, which is handling the prosecution of the case, also declined to comment on what the indictments allege or who the accused are.

The indictments, which followed a day of women in prairie dresses again filing in and out of the grand jury meeting room, were the second set issued since the grand jury began meeting in June on the case.

Six indictments were issued last month.


Fun and sun in Texas as the soap opera continues ...

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