Sunday, August 24, 2008

Klingon knife scares the crap out of dumb British scandal-sheet

That pitiful excuse for a newspaper that scandal-sheet rag The Daily Mail has a hilariously breathless account of a giant stainless steel Klingon fighting-knife received by police during a knife-amnesty; to hear them tell of it hooded thugs are roaming the streets with Klingon dueling swords looking for little old ladies to terrorize.
A spokesman for police in Gloucester, where it was surrendered, said: "It is a particularly nasty weapon that can, literally, take someone's head off. We are very glad it is off the streets and we want more weapons handed in."

The blade is believed to be a stainless-steel copy of a Klingon weapon used in the science fiction series Star Trek. "It's an extremely dangerous weapon," said a martial arts expert last night.

Lethal Star Trek blade seized in knives amnesty

You got to love it! Imagine the reaction to Phasers!

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