Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lying ... it is in their nature

I just received an e-mail from a friend wherein they relayed a forum post from some individual claiming to be a 'marine' and chastising a real Marine for being left-wing in his politics though he was trying to pass himself off as a 'moderate' ... while also claiming most Marines are right-wing politically.

Well, first off the 'moderate' in question has ever claimed to be left-wing and a goodly way from center all along so right there shows the accuser for what he is - a LIAR.

Second, most Marines are most definitely Left-wing politically including this one - and I am the one more to the center but was accused of being too far left by those of the accuser's ilk on that same forum until I left to pursue this and my other blogs (subsequently I found that I had been 'banned' form that forum after I announced my leaving here ... I guess they had their little snit; some just cannot handle differences).

But back to the Marines leaning left politically: Of the five branches of the military, the Marines are the most left leaning followed by the Air Force, Navy, Army and Coast Guard in that order and all are above 65% left leaning - a far cry from the myth the right-wing wants you to believe ... actually they need you to believe.

You see a Marine embodies the ideals of the left - the ideals of the nation. The ones we were founded on, not the ones the right-wing falsely claims are our nation's ideals - especially christian, which is the biggest lie.

This election year is focusing a glaring light on those lies and exposing them to more than just military personnel and the liars are getting more and more desperate to keep the lie going.

Earlier this month I posted about the clearest example and the easiest to understand - Money - and where it was going when military personnel gave it to a political candidate for their campaign.
Better than 60% went to the left wing candidates, while 25% went to 'moderate' candidates leaving 15% between the right-wing and radicals.

In the presidential race Obama was given money at a rate of 6 to 1 over McPain by those supposedly 'right-wing' military personnel which is sort of odd given that Obama is the 'Most Liberal Left Winger' in the Senate according to the right-wing smear machine.
Funny, but they said the same thing about John Kerry four years ago and he is still in the Senate.
Oh, well I guess they cannot help themselves from lying, it is their nature.

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